In many tribes the ritual cranial deformation was practiced and it has continued till the present day
The gods of the antiquity had very large skulls and it is believed that the cranial deformations were attempts to imitate those ancient gods, and especially the ruling class
These were called Gods of Cholula*
Comparison between a Boskop skull and one of our days; the Boskop lived in Africa between 30,000 and 10,000 years; They were similar to today's men, with a height of 5 to 6 feet, but they had little faces but skulls much larger, with a cranial capacity of about 30% higher than the current man; it is believed that they were far more intelligent than us
Skull in Peru
Do not get fooled by the same persons of forever with their tricks (the “scientific” or people with a title); they will tell you that all the strange skulls found till today were intentionally deformed, were due to disease or inbreeding degeneration, but they will be lying to you
With mechanical cranial deformation there will never be more cranial capacity than normal and they know it. Currently many skulls are known with much greater cranial capacity than normal belonging to adult individuals without deformations due to mechanical force or disease; those who impose their dogmas hide these details always
With the mechanical deformation the head becomes pointy and depressed inwards (concave)
If the curvatures in the skull are outwardly (convexity), the pressure arose from inside as it grew; the skulls where this is seen are natural, without mechanical deformation and if they are very large they are corresponding to an attribute of its species
Individuals with hydrocephalus usually have asymmetries in the skull and they usually die when they are children, but the skulls to which I mean of large cranial capacity do not have asymmetries, are of adult and appear similar individuals in the same burials
Modern cranial deformation
When the volume of the skull is small with respect to the individual's face this means usually cranial deformation by mechanical means, such as straps attached to the head, rags or tablets; there is also sinking in areas of the skull (collapse inwards)
Mechanically deformed
Modern cranial deformation
Modern cranial deformation; frequently pointy head and forever with small volume with respect to the face
mechanically deformed skull comparison with one of the Paracas (to the right); the skull on the left has the normal cranial capacity
Conehead skulls
Skull of great cranial capacity
Skull found in Russia
Of Adelaide, Australia; with two parietal bones
Skull of Hungary
Skull of Paracas; of an only parietal bone
large cranial volume with respect to what had to be the face in this individual; the opposite of what we observe with modern cranial deformation
of Paracas
This is one of those found in Omsk, Siberia
skull of Pyatigorsk, Russia
found in Arkaim, called the Stonehenge of the Urals; of the second century AD
of Bolivia
Skull in a museum of Ica, Peru, also one parietal bone
of Paracas; an only parietal bone
of Paracas; it is clearly seen that has only a parietal bone
Another skull in wich it is clearly observed an only parietal bone; this is not consistent with the current human species
of Paracas; red haired; this kind of hair did not exist among Native Americans
The struggle to keep the lies of the "science" in the service of the elite goes throuh events such as to have found mummies of women with Paracas type skull with a fetus inside them, having observed that the fetus already had this kind of skull and have hidden it
Paracas skull with trepan; it has only a parietal bone, red haired, the thickness of the cranial wall is doble that of the normal human (in all these skulls), it weights 60% higher and the cranial capacity is about 25% superior to ours; DNA tests confirm that this skulls are not human
the DNA of this skulls is mtDNA (mitochondrial) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. By DNA sequencing it shows that it is a creature very dintant from Homo Sapiensn Neanderthal and Denisova
Skull with perforations
Skeleton of Atacama Desert, Chile
Huaytara mummy, Peru; it is a child, not a baby; it has an only parietal bone also
Huaytara mummy; it is the same boy of the former image; in this museum there are several similar mummies
Skull of a boy, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia
skull of a boy found in Grimaldi, France, with 11,000 years old; has unusually thin bones, its skull is wide while elongated, and which is not spherical tells us that it was not hydrocephalus; does not have concavities and cranial capacity is very large, something impossible to explain with intentional cranial deformation
of Uyuni, Bolivia
in the Archaeologic Museum of Cochabamba, Bolivia
Remember: large cranial volume related to the face, as the "well paid" always will try to deceive you and will show them as scientists and try to led you but always hiding the main reason: that in intentionally deformed skulls the cranial capacity never will be superior to normal. You must to be careful too with the lie of the sickness that attacked to many individuals in the nearby surroundings. The Illness would never cause to have an only parietal bone instead of two
Skulls of one parietal bone found in Malta in the megalithic temple of Hal Saflienti; they were exposed in the National Archaeological Museum of Malta, but someone ordered to make them disappear. Remember that every time there is an only parietal bone we will be facing another human race different to any of the actual races or an alien race and that those that want to keep us uninformed struggle for us not to suspect that many things do not fit in the schemes that they imposed us
large cranial volume with respect to the face, just the opposite of what presents us the "science" that we suffer in the service of the elite, the money and the power
Connelly skull; its cranial capacity is twice the skull of a modern man, for while the average modern man is 1500 cc, this has 3000 cc (estimated up to 3200 cc)
Sealand skull, compared to a normal one:
This image and the two former correspond to the skull of Sealand; found in Sealand, the biggest island of Denmark, in 2007. By carbon 14 dates back to between 1280 and 1200 B.C.
Skull found in USA; it appeared in the news to be after hidden by those that manipulate us
Known skull found in Canada
the Earth has been populated by very strange beings; Cyclops measured at least 2.5m and weighing about 250Kg
Skulls in the Archaeological Museum of Lima
of Potosí, Bolivia; this skull is called in this museum the "alien skull"
In this case the "scientists" would say that it is a fake, because we wouldn't believe that of hydrocephalus or other manipulations to keep the dogmas; they, the "scientists", are the persons which use to falsify systematically the proofs and do them to dissapear
It was found in Ladonia, Texas
It has four fingers in hands and feet and is enclosed in a metal suit as shown in the images
Skull of The Star Child; it has DNA that is not human; found in Mexico
The Star Child skull

This is one of the skulls found in Sonora, Mexico
the "scientists" use to lie every time which they have interest and therefore they say that this is a normal human skull with large cranial deformation; it was found in Sonora, Mexico. What they do not say is that were many the similar individuals found in the same area of burials
Compare this skull with the normal human skull
Normal human skull
"Scientists" do the unspeakable to find similarities and they find them when they have interests in it and even they find explanation for the impossible differences (usually stupid explanations). Do you see the kind of strange crest that runs from the forehead to the crown? In the normal skull you will not see it; as you can see the jaw is different from ours, much shorter; it has also prominent bones on both sides of the eyes that we do not have, but for the "science" they are alike but only with a few deformations
Maybe they will tell you that its DNA is just like ours and it could be very similar to ours, because we are seed of the stars
See the section "Differences between the cone head skulls and ours"
Recently a group of official researchers of the Human Genome Project has indicated they made an astonishing scientific discovery: they believe that the supposed 97% of the non-coded sequences in human DNA is really genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.
The sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from molds to fish, and human beings.
In human DNA, they constitute the majority of the total genome, according to Professor Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coded sequences, originally known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery.
According to this scholar, our planet and many others have been colonized by beings from other worlds and these "alien colonists" were working on a code consisting of several projects, and the projects should have produced various life forms for various planets. They wrote "the big code", executed it, did not like some function, changed or added a new one, was executed again, made more improvements and tried again and again.
Professor Chang is only one of many scientists and researchers who have discovered extraterrestrial origins to Humanity.
Avisos del Cielo _ Virginia Dangma
Your physical body will become more subtle. Your brain needs a larger receptacle because the cortex increase in size, especially in the front area.
Your functional systems such as the circulatory, nervous, respiratory, digestive and sexual will have a more harmonious functioning, as befits a more powerful and balanced energy body.
You will live, therefore, more years which means more learning time in each incarnation and telepathic communication between you and those who have died will be smooth and non-traumatic.
You will resamble more physically one to another and there will be no differences based on skin color or place of birth. Neither will you be separated by religions, because these will give way to a more universal concept of transcendence.
Finally the human goal of living in harmony will be a reality, but first it is necessary that the men of the Earth break the chains that bind them to a dark past, where mystery and falsehood have shaped his values and reason for living.
Paracas skull type, in stone
Paracas skull type, in stone
the same former artifact, lateral view
In Ohio many skeletons of this type were found in a cemetery
In 1876 in Tennessee were discovered thousands of people like this, about 36 cm in height, in an area of six hectares
Skeleton of a small being of this type found in Antarctica; is less than 33 cm and has an age of 600 million years
ancient skull of great cranial capacity
deformed human skull or alien; such is the deformation of the bones of the face and jaw that can not be explained by hydrocephalus
Do not be deceived by certain creations
A Japanese man named Takeshi Yamada performs "creations" that will serve very well those who always deceived us to continue deceiving, as these occasionally hang one of this alien skulls on the network saying that it has recently been found, which is a petrified skull, which is millions of years old and they indicate a place where it was found; but it will be very easy to evidence that all this is false when someone shows it as an example; then we will not believe nothing, not even what is true and this is what they want; it is a tactic frequently used by our enslavers.
It is a disservice which lends this Japanese to the humanity and a great service to those who take advantage of it
We must never forget that when the bones of pregnant women were found with this type of skull, the fetus skull had elongated skull also and the hidden interests of the science are doing to hide this fact to us

With absolute certainty, the people of the hidden elite have many hidden skulls with which there would be no doubt that those skulls are of our space brothers, but that material never will be shown to the common people