More significant art


The ancient art can teach us a lot about our origins and the tribal art representing its mythology and beliefs

This section complements the section "Our ancient teachers"
 Sumerian disc, 3300 B.C.; it was found in the librery of Niniveh; it represents the stellar and planetary god Enlil routes (has missing parts)
 Genetic Disc of the Muisca Culture, Colombia; it is 6000 years old and it is made in a rather hard black flint (7 on the Mohs scale) 
 the other side of the Genetic Disc; the two beings with wide and flat head at the right result strange
 Nebra Disc , Germany; bronze of 4900 B.C.; the Pleiades are represented on it
  of ancient Egypt
 Akhenaten and Nefertiti
Egyptian tablet
 of Nagada; pre dynastic Egypt
 Mesopotamian tablet
 of Copan, Mayan city
 Chichen Itza engraving
 of Chavin de Huantar, Peru
 Pre columbian; of Lambayeque, Peru
Natural History Museum of Nueva York; Ubaid figure, Mesopotamia
 Reptilian pre columbian being with six fingers; of Tumaco, Colombia
 of the Moche Culture
 of Babilonia; 700 to 600 B.C.
 engraving with reptilian being in a Dendera crypt; Egypt
 of Angkor, Cambodia, with more than 10,000 years of antiquity, embossed with perfect realization; see they knew the wheel, when the Romans knew 8000 years later; It is observed reptilians beings fighting against humans
 of Tumaco La Tolita; Colombia and Ecuador
 of Tumaco La Tolita
  Aztec god, Tlaloc
 Tlaloc, of the  Aztec
 of the Mochica Culture, Peru
 of Banteay Srey, Cambodia
of Mesopotamia
 the Anunnaki were expert geneticists; this could represent the first genetic experiments of the Anunnaki on Earth to have slaves. When the following contact with Nibitu took place (every 3600 years) the Anunnaki saw that some star beings had brought to the Earth men of the Homo Sapiens kind with all their potential (twelve DNA layes); the Anunnaki were upset and proceeded to degrade all men species leaving only two DNA layers  (the rest was disconnected) 
 of Carquemis, Turkey; former to  our era
 Genetic mutations of the Anunnaki
 Teshud god, Ain Dara, Syria
 Enkidu and Gilgamesh
 Gilgamesh and Enkidu
 Gilgamesh between  bull men
 of Uruk, Sumeria
 Tablet of Mesopotamia
 Akpallu of Mesopotamia
 Statues of Akpallu, British Museum
 Plaque with Lamashtu, Anunnaki daughter of Anu
 Asirian artifact with Lamashtu
of México
 two strange beings looking to the sky to observe the cosmos; they see the constellations represented on the stone in wich they are based; the constellations glow when the stone is illuminated with ultaviolet light, and also the eyes of this beings. The position of the constellations shown does not correspond to the current, indicating its great antiquity. This is one of the objects  found in the cave of La Mana, Ecuador 
 Roman votive plaque found in the Danube area
 Ancient  amulet found in Cyprus; it is believed to represent the mummy of Osiris
of the Chokwe tribe, of Zambia
 of the Chokwe tribe, with Orion representation
Stellar deity of the Chokwe; the elongated head is similar to those of Paracas in America
 Chokwe deity, similar to some deities in various parts of the Earth and to Sumerian deities 
 of Djenne, Mali
 of Djenne, Mali
of Mali
 pre Mayan figure
 pre Mayan figure
Dropa artifact of China
 Ancient figure of the people of the Bering Sea, Alaska; between 200 and 100 B.C.
 Found in a Mayan tomb
 of Papua New  Guinea; 1500 B.C.
 Australian gods of the stars; two Creators
Celtic gods statuettes
of Indus Valley
 of the Mehgarh Culture, Indus Valley; about 3000 B.C.
 Artifact of Syria; 1000 B.C.
 in the  Waldemar Julsrud Museum, Acambaro
in the  Waldemar Julsrud Museum
 of the Guangala Culture, Ecuador
 of the Guangala Culture
of the Guangala Culture
 of the Bahia Culture, Ecuador
 of the Bahia Culture
 of Tlatilco, Mexico
 Ceremonial mask of Tlatilco; 1200 to 400 B.C.
 Archeological piece of México more than 2000 years old
 of the Mochica Culture, Peru
 of Tumaco, Colombia
 of Tumaco La Tolita; Colombia and Ecuador
of Tumaco La Tolita
 of Tumaco La Tolita
 of Tumaco La Tolita
 of Tumaco La Tolita
 of the Chorrera Culture, Ecuador; 1500 to 500 B.C.
 of the Cerro de los Santos, Albacete; Spain
 Cycladic figurines
 Dogu figurine; Nagano, Japan
 Dogu figure of Japan; 2500 to 1500 B.C.
 Terracotta of Mechgahr, Beluchistan; 2800 to 1800 B.C.
 Assyrian terracotta that represents to an Akpallu
 Egyptioan bronze; 716 to 30 B.C.
 the Aztec goddess Coatlicue
 Nebay Culture, Guatemala
Mayan figure; 600 to 900 of our era
 Maya Jain figure
 Maya Jain figure
of the Chorrera Culture
 Ancient American art
 Pre columbian statuette
of the Tumaco La Tolita Culture; Colombia
 Venus of Frias; Inca
 Mayan god of the wind
 of Gobekli Tepe; Turkey
 Ancestor figure; Nayarit, Mexico; 100 B.C.
 Jaina woman dignatary; Mexico; 600 to 900 of our era
 Maya Jain figure; 600 to 900 or our era
 Maya Jaina; 600 to 900 of our era
 of Veracruz, Mexico; 800 to 1200 of our era
 Tada warrior, Niger; 600 to 400 B.C.
Canaanite god
 Nagada artifact; pre dynastic Egypt
  of Nagada, Egypt; 4000 to 3600 B.C.
 Old representation of  Astarte goddess
 Another representation of Astarte; British Museum
 Hittite Astarte; 1180 to 700 B.C.
 of Beluchistan; 6000 to 3000 B.C.
 Canaanite Terracotta
 of Harappa; 2700 to 2000 B.C.
 of the ancient civilization of the Indus Valley
 of Ghana
Hawaiian primitive art
 Statuette of the Neolithic found along with other 300 figurines in the central area of Greece
 Statuette Bactria
 Pre columbian; 300 to 200 B.C.; Jalisco, Mexico
 of Los Tayos, Ecuador
 Pre columbian humanoid; Jalisco, Mexico
 Pre columbian humanoid; Jalisco
 in the Waldemar Julsrud Museum, Acambaro
 Figure of reptilian being found in Veracruz, Mexico
 Ancient artifact
 Viking Valkyrie found in Suffolk, England
 of Java
 Babilonian goddess; 2000 to 1750 B.C.
 Predynastic statue of Pharaoh; 4000 BC; Nagada, Egypt
 of Bactria Margiana, Central Asia
of Bactria
Jiroft Culture; third millennium B.C.
 part of a Mayan stela; Quirigua
Mayan figure
 of Ometepe, Nicaragua
 of Ometepe, Nicaragua
 of Candi Sukush, Indonesia
 of Candi Sukush
 in Old Bisbee, Arizona; USA
 Pre columbian of Tlatilco, Mexico
 the Nagas of India
 Sumerian art
 Hittite Syrian idol; second millenniun  B.C.
 Mold and figure of the Manabi-Bahia Culture, Ecuador; from 500 BC to 300 of our era
 two Mayan figures of the Jaine Island, Campeche, Mexico; from 500 to 700 of our era
 Figures of Nayarit and Jalisco; from 200 AC to 300 of our era
 of Mexico
 of Djenne, Mali
 of Djenne 
 Engraving in a temple of tenth century; Ireland
 Ancient figurine; Castellar, Spain
 of Montealegre del Castillo, Albacete; above 100 B.C.
of San Agustin, Colombia
 of Cholula; Mexico
 of Los Tayos, Ecuador

of the Burrows Cave