The findings that seem impossible are many throughout the earth; but these findings seem impossible because they contradict what was taught to us.
Many external beings arrived to the Earth through the different ages; their physical forms could have been very different as show us the very diverse representations that have arrived to us from them.
Some of them were wise people, benevolent and with clear intention to help us to grow, both materially as spiritually; but others tried to take advantage from us through the negative emotions, like the fear, and doing to us their servants.
All of them had to be much more advanced than us in technology, otherwise they would not have visited us, and they could perform feats that for our ancestors may have seemed miraculous. Therefore our ancestors took them for gods.
Many of them came through the great inter dimensional portal of the Aden Gulf and that area was the cradle of great civilizations through extended periods of time; the representative figures of these beings have similarities in all corners of the earth as if the distances would not have been a problem for them.
We are seeds of the stars, so some of them had no problems or difficulty in crossing the daughters of our ancestors.
A picture is worth a thousand words; so there are many pictures I've included.
Examples of images are complemented by sections "significant art", "More significant art", "prehistoric figurines" and strange figurines
Old woodcut of the tribe of the Dogon of Mali; It represents their instructors from the Sirius star in the constellation Canis Major
Oannes, left the waters on a daily basis to instruct the humanity; he was created by Enki and appears with the pineapple and the basket
Dagon, the main god of the Philistines
Sumerian tablet; right at the top is located the typical representation of the Sumerian flying apparatus
this pre-mayan figures also represent our ancient teachers; they were found under the supposedly Mayan pyramids
these figures represent a humanity different to ours, beings with "cone head", although not neccesarily reptilian, as the latter differ in their mouth rather big, their teeth and the vertical pupils of their eyes; this figures are represented with a small mouth, which doesn't fit if they were reptilian. They could represent a race with a fully working DNA with 12 layers. Our race resulted from the degradation of the DNA of another human races leaving it in two layers, made by the Anunnaki of Nibiru, to be able to control us easyly, to do us its slaves and to be used in gold mining works
Mother giving birth to a new hibrid race
This pre-Mayan tablet, along with the Venuses of the Paleolithic, the Venuses of BC (Before Christ) and the ancient mother goddesses, gives us an idea of how the actual human races appeared after several hybridizations, because there were other much earlier human races whose traces hid the elite through the obscurantism, their well-paid lackeys and the religions that they helped to create as we know them today
So Indonesians interpreted to some of their ancient teachers; Papua
They were represented in numerous locations throughout the Earth and their biological robots, wich have interacted with us for many thousands of years, the asexual beings that we call gray
And this is the technology that our ancestors saw; it was the technolology of the beings that they called gods
Flying device representation, such as it was done in the Mesopotamian area
Woman with inter dimensional door; Indus Valley
the Samaipata UFO, Bolivia
Pre-Mayan figure
Maya Stela of Quirigua
The Vimana of Bettuban Kovil; in the ancient India the flying devices were called Vimana
Representation of a god and its Vimana
Representation of a Vimana and its passengers; India
in Queretaro, Mexico; 7000 years old
ancient drawing
ancient oriental paintingl
of ancient China
Chinese drawing
Antcient Tibetan painting
Possible representation of Rama, Ceylon; at least 2000 years old
representation of Matshia, first avatar of Vishnu
Egyptian ancient paintings
Toprakkale spaceship, Turkey; 3000 years old
Sumerian representation of flying devices
from Zapotec Culture, Mexico
found in a cave in Illinois, USA
found in Ecuador; 10000 B.C.; being with a pyramid between his hands that seems to emit rays directed to some people; he has some kind of antenna pointing toward a strange device flying obove him
Medallion found in an ancient Egyptian tomb
French copper coin, seventeenth century
of the year 1680, France
So it is not surprising that around the globe appear similar artistic creations, cultural aspects and very similar writing on different continents in antiquity
of Mohenjo Daro
Head of the island of Okinawa, Japan, compared with an Olmeca head of San Lorenzo, Mexico
Statue of Okinawa, Japan, compared with Atlantean of Tula, Mexico
Olmec engraving of La Venta, Mexico; the Olmecs arrived from the Tell Halaf area in the actual Syria around 7500 years before; it represents to the god Quetzalcoatl (Kukulcan)
the god is carrying a basket on a hand as the Mesopotamian gods; the serpent for the oriental people represented a flying device, same as in ancient America
the image on the left corresponds to Göbekli Tepe in Turkey; it has an age of 11,500 years
of Urartu, nowadays Armenia
Urartu votive plaque representing a god ceding his power to his human offspring in order to be leaders in their own right, that is, legitimate; the winged sun represents the flying machine associated to the god
Ancient Mesoamerican winged deity with some kind of glasses and a basket reminding the basket that the Anunnaki were carrying
The pyramids are all over the Earth and the country that has more of them is China (aerial photos belie the Chinese government trying to hide them)
Chinese pyramids; one of those known in China is 300 m high and 450 m per side; the Giza Great Pyramid is 147 m and 320 on each side
Pyramids of China; hundreds of those in this country
Chinese pyramid
Chinese pyramid
One of the Bosnian pyramids; in its construction a geopolymer was used, an artificial cement; the Sun pyramid is 420 m high and has an extensive network of tunnels under it; radiocarbon dating leads to an antiquity for this pyramid of 29200 years (+/- 400); this dating is given by Radiocarbon Laboratory of Kiev, Ukraine. Another independent laboratory dated it as 29400 years (+- 400) using the same method. Are this pyramids covered by huge blocks of artificial cement? Well, yes; then, why the "science" driven by the elite is telling us that they are not pyramids? Realize that those investigating them have not won anything with this and that the people that discredit them are well paid
Artificial cement blocks covering the piramids in Visoko, Bosnia
Part of the Bosnian piramids
Found in the vicinity of the piramids of Bosnia; this pyramids is believed to have been looted in antiquity; therefore only big pulished stones with strange writings have been found in the many tunnels under them
Amazonian pyramids
Nemrut Dagi and its pyramid, Turkey
Nemrut Dagi, its colossal statues and the pyramid
Statues in Colombia similar to the Egyptians
Stone found in Puerto Rico; a UFO appears on it, a pyramid and the all seeing eye
Inscribed stone and a pyramid with an eye in the upper part
Ancient stone with pyramidal shape and an eye
Stone found in a tunnel with many objects in La Mana, Ecuador; compare with the Illuminaty pyramid on the USA Dollar
This is the previous pyramid illuminated with ultraviolet light; it is called the Black Pyramid of Son of Creator
This is the former pyramid showing inlaid inscriptions at its bottom; the Orion Constellation is represented; the eye is also inlaid and shines when an ultraviolet strikes it; the pyramid steps are 13 as on the pyramid of the USA Dollar - representing the 13 bloodlines that control the Earth; they are the lords of the actual Illuminati (formerly they had another names). These men live under the surface and their material wealth is immense.
Fuente Magna; found on the vicinity of Lake Titicaca; it has several types of writing: proto - Sumerian, Qellca (previous language of Tiwanaku) and another ancient language
from Los Tayos cave, Ecuador; note the similarity with the Sumerian
Writing of the Agartir, inhabitants of the los Tayos Cave; it has similarity with the Indian Brahmi used in the Asokan period, 2300 years ago
Study on the writing of the previous tablet
from Tayos Cave, Ecuador; a wide type of Illuminaty symbology can be seen
from Los Tayos Cave, Ecuador, not from Mesopotamia; but the teachers were the same
from Los Tayos
from Los Tayos Cave also; we can see that the Illuminaty simbolism is very old
from Los Tayos
from Los Tayos, Ecuador, again; here we have the hat fishmouth (Miter) used thousans of years before Christianity, and the serpent; the fish mouth represents the god Oannes, Sumerian teacher
Worship to Oannes, the fish god, in Sumerian representation and a flying machine
from Los Tayos
part of the Crespi tablets collection; from Los Tayos. According to father Crespi, this archaic hieroglyphic signs are the humanity's mother language wich was used before the flood
Gold pieces from the Burrows Cave, USA
from the Burrows Cave; cap with snake, mason style
from Burrows Cave
from Burrows Cave
from Burrows Cave
In the Burrows Cave, Illinois, USA, many gold tablets with inscriptions were found and several thousand small stones and stone tablets with inscriptions European, Egyptian, proto-Sumerian, hebrew, Greek, Latin and unknown languages along with drawings of Egypt, Sumeria, Atlantis, the Hollow Earth, et cetera. The performances include reptilian beings, sphinxes, demons, elephants, maps of the Missisipi before the flood, et cetera. They were five caves and all it was found in the only one explored. It is represented also the crucifixion myth that the elite imposed in all the continents of the Earth. There were people sent by the elite to suppress these findings and finally the cave entrance was dynamited to make it inaccesible. A person bought the vast majority of these pieces for a high price and thus they were removed from circulating.
The elite fulfills its mission, to keep us in the darkness, and ours is that we struggle to emerge from the darkness to end the evel that lurks; so it is very important that we try to change the paradigms imposed on us and create for ourselves and our offspring a reality more benign
from the Burrows Cave
from the Burrows Cave
from the Burrows Cave
Found in an Indian cemetery in Michigan
Also from the Indian cemetery of Michigan
the Creation Myth in which the elite pushed us to believe; Michigan tablets. With this mith, they tried to set the Allmighty outside of us as to nullify the man and be their puppet
Michigan tablet
Michigan tablet with a calendar of 13 months
another Michigan tablet with a 13 months calendar
Tower of Babel, Michigan tablet
Michigan tablet
from the Indian cemetery of Michigan; it narrates the myth of the flood an the ark
All these beings, even those who broght the evel to us, could not have appeared in our environment without consent of our collective unconscious so that some lessons could be transmitted to us.
We have always the means, throug our soul and the creative force of the reality of our unconscious, to carry away the beings that serve us the evil. Remember that each one of us is as a cell of the Supreme Creator and His power is within us, because we are a small hologram of Him, but we must learn and this is the mission in which we are engaged now: to remember emotion after emotion and skill after skill
Every time we will find a higher level master as we progress
By their words and deeds you shall know them; if his words, his presence and his work led to the knowledge and love, the easier they were Servants of the Light.
If his words seemed to be addressed to the good, the Light, but after they asked you to do the war against those who did not adhere to his teachings, you will be facing anothet kind of Master in his attempt to bring the Darkness. Pay attention, because sometimes the Masters brought by the Darkness can be beings able to do miracles and attract many people, but if they ask you to be with a group and get rid of another groups, you will have a certificate of whom they serve.
Both kind of beings have their role and both are supperted by the Supreme Creator; in the dual worlds, like ours, the Light can´t exist without the existence of the Darkness and we will be exposed to both.
Typically, those who were seduced by the Darkness Servers will attempt to get rid of the people that awakened and became a Beacon of Light that clears the Darkness.
As a rule, all beings that cause fear come from evil.
Regardless the strange shape of the beings of good that contact us, they will radiate love and peace that surrounds the contacted and in a moment his uneasiness and fear will dissipate.
What is important is that something react into us inducing us to rise over ourselves. If we learn to choose the Light after many millons of experiences and thousands of lives, we will not need to return to planes of existence as hard as the third density forgetting who we are unless we return out of pure altruism to help those who are lost (ie, as Wanderers)
The Bible says that the human species was created by a Hebrew God in the year 4000 B.C. approximately; however, many years before the true Gods, your old parents / creators, landed here from all parts of existence. His seed and his ideas have been passed down through time and traces of their stay still can be found in most places of your planet: In North and South America, Australia, Indonesia, Asia, India, Europe and Africa.
The loss of our most important historical records and the incredible esoteric knowledge contained in them is not due only to natural processes of evolution of the Earth and the illusory passage of 'time'. The little that survived of the antediluvian record was systematically destroyed by soldiers and masked crusaders who have been serving the Power for so long that your contemporary cultures can not imagine such periods ... and much less remembering them.
Be aware, too, that many volumes of the most significant materials (those who spoke in detail about the true origins of your race and extra-terrestrial forces that have influenced your development) were kidnapped by the Authority and its secret societies, to be piled up in the basement of their private collections, away from the eyes of ordinary people. These have been passed down quietly from generation to generation -from a covert hand to another- always away from public view.