Significant petroglyphs
Pulling out will find the thread; there are many indications that lead us to our true ancient history and our roots, but we must work to find them.
Many are those persons who doesn´t want we discover our origins and who took us apart from all kind of useful knowledge.
A few persons always introduced many to an empty knowledge, unproductive and then incited to burn the greatest libraries of the antiquity, and these few have survived through some families that created many secret societies and religious sects. If any sect or a secret society was created outside of them, then they used the tactic of introduce in it and take control of it afterwards.
These images give us clues about what impacted our ancestors, as much as to immortalize it in stone, in outdoor panels and caves

The following petroglyphs are of Miculla, Peru
The next petroglyphs are of Huancor, Peru
The following are of various places